

The National Mining Corporation is fully committed to implementing international best practices and the highest standards in terms of institutional and corporate governance...

Governance framework

Our governance framework has been developed in accordance with the provisions of the Libyan Institutions Governance Code of 1971, all applicable laws and our articles of association.

Governance practices

The practices of the National Mining Corporation comply with corporate governance standards, which are in line with international best practices. The Foundation is diligent in its approach to transparency, reporting of financial results, continuous communication with stakeholders and fulfillment of obligations and disclosure policy of the Foundation.

Governance documents

Includes the core corporate governance documents:
1- Basic Law.
2- Organizational Framework for Corporate Governance 
3- Conflict of Interest Policy
4- Executive Committee Regulations.
5- Audit Committee Regulations.
6- Nominations and Remuneration Committee Regulations.
7- Bylaws of the Safety and Sustainability Committee.